The term ‘nanny share’ is becoming more popular and it’s easy to understand why. The arrangement offers quality childcare at an affordable rate.
What is a Nanny Share?
Children from two families are cared for by one nanny and the parents split the nanny's salary.
Decisions like the schedule, activities, and where the children will be cared for are made together. It works best with two children similar in age who live close by. The nanny can divide the time between both homes.
We've had the opportunity to speak with many families and nannies involved in nanny shares. We've put together a list of common pros and cons and key factors to consider.
- Your childcare costs are cut significantly.
- Socialization for your children.
- Children in nanny shares often become best buddies!
- Children learn, play, and develop in a clean and safe environment that you can trust.
- Alternating between two homes contributes to children becoming more adaptable to new environments.
- The arrangement offers better flexibility and individualized care than a daycare at comparable costs.
- Compromises must be made in order to fulfill both family’s needs.
- Drop off and pick up on days childcare is not in your home.
- You will need to find a family that the arrangement will work well with.
- Children often stay more engaged and stimulated when paired together.
- While children keep each other entertained playing in view, other daily tasks like meal preps, laundry, and picking up can be completed.
- Twice the amount of fun and snuggles!
- The nanny needs to effectively communicate with four parents instead of two.
- Naptimes can be difficult; you have to keep one child safe and occupied while you get the other down first, one child waking the other up, aligning their sleep schedules.
- At times, it is twice the work.
Key Factors to Discuss with the Other Family
- Additional children. The agreed-upon responsibilities may become too much for the nanny to handle safely if there is a new baby.
- Contingency plans for sick days, travel, and holidays.
- Nannies usually charge slightly more for two children.
- It’s often best to choose a nanny together with another family, one that works equally well for both family's needs.
- Screen time, timeouts, enrollment in classes, etc.
- House rules.
- Pair with a family whose needs and values best match your own.
How do I set up a Nanny Share?
Post on local parent boards, ask acquaintances at your child’s classes, signs in your building, or use a local nanny agency. A Nanny Match offers a convenient way to find a compatible nanny for both families in your nanny share.